Giselle at the NAC in Ottawa

This page is pretty graphic intensive, but it’s 2020 or something.

Not having a camera sucks. Leaving early on VIA train 50, it splits east of Brockville; the front half (60) goes to Montreal, and the back end (50) heads to Ottawa. Nice sunrise before the clouds rolled in. *BONUS* Lumi sighting in Ottawa!!!


Not having a camera sucks. On Thursday, The National Ballet of Canada did an interview with Heather Ogden that was followed by a dress rehearsal of Giselle. Got to see Tirion Law in the first period, but she was opening that night, so Heather did the second period. The show on Friday night was fantastic. The NAC Orchestra were stellar as usual.

Speaking of the NAC, I REALLY hope Mari Samuelsen comes back to Canada. Speaking of Mari Samuelsen, next up for the NBOC is the Four Seasons with the score by Max Richter who I can’t stop calling Max Webster for some reason…


Not having a camera sucks. Orion is high in the sky, so that means Winterlude is just getting started. Got to see Mars and Jupiter above the War Memorial. The temperature ranged from -3 to -18°C, and when the wind was blowing it was brutal. Rip the skin right off your face brutal. Those ice carvers are a tough group. The canal is actually frozen this year, and people are skating on it. I was travelling light, so I didn’t take the jets. Visited the National Gallery, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum though. Great catching up with Robert, and thanks for the lift.


Great trip home on a brand new VIA Rail Siemens SVC-42 Charger (Venture). Got home just in time to see the waxing crescent Moon and Venus between Union Station and the CN Tower. Fell asleep, and missed the 3rd period which I hear was a doozy…