RASC Explore the Universe

RASC Astroimaging Certificate Program

RASC Astroimager – Wide Field

Requirements 15 images from the following list:

  1. ✅ Sunrise or Sunset
  2. ✅ Moonrise or moonset at full Moon
  3. ✅ Gibbous, half, or crescent Moon
  4. ✅ New Moon with earthshine
  5. ✅ Moon with a planet
  6. ✅ Moon or planet beside a deep sky object
  7. ✅ Two or more planets
  8. ✅ Mercury
  9. ✅ ISS or iridium flare
  10. ✅ Star trails
  11. ✅ The Milky Way
  12. ✅ Constellation
  13. ✅ Asterism – Big Dipper or Summer Triangle
  14. ✅ Aurora
  15. ✅ Two or more images showing the motion of a planet or asteroid
  16. ✅ Uranus or Neptune identified in a picture
  17. ✅ Sun or Moon halo, or Sundogs
  18. 🤬 Noctilucent clouds
  19. ✅ Lunar or Solar eclipse
  20. ✅ Comet
  21. ✅ Meteor
  22. ✅ Zodiacal Light


RASC Astroimager – Solar System

  1. ✅ Full Moon shot (snapshot)
  2. ✅ Moon showing craters in detail (snapshot)
  3. ✅ Moon showing craters in detail (stacking)
  4. ✅ Gibbous, half, or crescent Venus, using stacking (use extreme caution near the Sun)
  5. ✅ Snapshot of Jupiter or Saturn showing moons with labels (overexposure of the planet is okay)
  6. ✅ Planetary shot of two of the three Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn, using stacking and showing verifiable surface
  7. ✅ Sun (H-alpha or white light)


RASC Astroimager – Deep Sky

Requirements 2 of each of the following:

  1. ✅ Emission or reflection nebulae
  2. ✅ Spiral galaxies
  3. ✅ Planetary nebulae
  4. ✅ Open clusters
  5. ✅ Globular clusters
  6. ✅ Dark nebula or comet