Smoke from forest fires covering large parts of Canada

Smoke Map

Over the last couple days, it’s been clear, but very hazy. Forest fires are spreading smoke over large parts of Canada, dimming the Sun, and appearing to tint the Moon. The smell of the smoke has been pretty strong, and can cause breathing difficulty in some cases.

Smoke covered sky over Opeongo Lake
March Hare Lake haze

The following images are accurate for colour, and wouldn’t be unusual if the Moon was near the horizon, but these were taken at 20 and 24 degrees.

Bill Longo Canon EOS 90D All Rights Reserved f/6.3 1/60sec ISO-800 600mm
Bill Longo Canon EOS 90D All Rights Reserved f/6.3 1/60sec ISO-800 600mm
Bill Longo Canon EOS 90D All Rights Reserved f/6.3 1/60sec ISO-800 600mm
Bill Longo Canon EOS 90D All Rights Reserved f/6.3 1/60sec ISO-800 600mm